Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blog #4

What do mission organizations do for these people?

Mission organizations are done to reach out and help people who have not been reached yet. It is not for personal gain as so many people often correlate it with. They are actually the opposite, for the most part. Of course, missionaries do gain happiness and joy beyond some people’s imagination when they are successful in preaching God’s Word and seeing people accept Jesus Christ. However, they do not try and take advantage of the people for their lack of developed knowledge the modern world has.
So their main purpose is to introduce Christianity to people while trying to preserve the valid parts of their culture in regards to what the Bible claims as fine. In cases such as the Sawi people in The Peace Child, they are doing this as well as progressively holding their hands and guiding them to the path the rest of the world is following and living by. What the missionaries do is try to rid of satanic practices such as cannibalism and the whole idea of treachery not only for the purpose of satisfying God, but in a kind manner so that they can be prepared and warned without a shock when the government and so called humanitarians come in and kill them with little warning.
Although there is a controversy about whether or not missionaries destroy people’s culture, I think that it is unfair to put them in the spotlight because eventually, society will intrude their ways and beliefs upon them without compassion. It is inevitable to stay isolated from the developing world forever. Missionaries aren’t even forcing a change on the people. They are showing them and it’s their choice if they want to accept it or not.


Inhye Lee said...


You're right about the fact that "mission organizations are done to reach out and help people who have not been reached yet." Missionaries are doing a good job of helping backwards people, like the Sawi, become a part of our constantly shrinking world. I guess, as you always say, "it's controversial," because many people don't agree with Christianity, and they think missionaries shouldn't "mess" with other cultures. But then again, if missionaries didn't go first, someone with his/her own belief would go and probably "mess" up the culture, right? But then again, that's a sensitive topic, too.

Keep posting, you're doing great. :)

- Inhye -